Can Dogs Eat Plantains? A Detailed Guide Must for Pet Owner

Can Dogs Eat Plantains? A Detailed Guide Must for Pet Owner

As pet owners, we need to be aware of what foods are good for our dogs and those that are not safe for consumption. Are Plantains are good for dogs? The knowledge assists in determining what kinds of food they should take to provide their bodies with essential nutrients without taking whatever is poisonous to…

How Many stray Dogs in US (United States)?? How??

How Many stray Dogs in US (United States)?? How??

Lack of homes and clean-fed dogs is a challenge that is experienced in the United States with every dog as they roam trails the roads without any place to call home. This issue presents two inextricably interrelated dangers: first, human safety, and second, animal wellness which together require awareness and sound management for their resolution….

What is “Comparable Dog Food to Royal Canin”??

What is “Comparable Dog Food to Royal Canin”??

Dog food of Royal Canin has not only become a trusted brand among pet owners worldwide but also one of the bestseller brands in the dog food category. This brand is great at innovative tailored nutrition for special breeds or certain dietary requirements, and their product is “it” stuff for many. However, the introduction of…

Dog is Eating Only Once a Day!! Causes, Consquences and Treatment

Dog is Eating Only Once a Day!! Causes, Consquences and Treatment

When it comes to caring for your pets, a change in their eating patterns can be a sign of concern. Another worrisome behavior might be seen when your dog only eats once a day. This deviation from their normal eating habits can indicate current conditions such as health or behavior that should be paid attention…